Invisible Illness Awareness Week

Thanks to my friend, H, I learned about Invisible Illness Awareness Week this morning. She posted an article to my Facebook and wrote an awesome note of encouragement to go along with the article. 

Invisible illnesses are just like they sound. Invisible. To almost everyone but the person and their family. You look "normal" and if people don't know that you're sick, then they wouldn't know any better. 

I've had my invisible illness for 2 years and 2 months now. My life has completely changed. And in most cases, not for the better. You can read my archived blog posts if you want more detailed information about my Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria Angioedema and how it affects my life. 

My symptoms are controlled (for the most part) by my daily medications and monthly Xolair immunoglobulin injections. I get phantom hives that I can feel and no one can see. I also have random swellings. My illness has become more invisible as time has gone on. I look back at pictures and can see how I am doing better. I live day to day and forget how far I've come. I can't see the forest for the trees, as the saying goes. 

I've made some good progress medically over the past few months. Dropping one medication completely and taking three afternoon meds as needed. 

Its been a rough start to the school year. I fell the second day of school leaving my house and chipped a bone in my ankle and severely sprained it. I spent six weeks in a boot non-weight bearing and am currently going to physical therapy to strengthen my ankle and regain mobility. 

I also recently had a nasty case of Strep Throat. Fever, chills, and aches made me miserable. I was misdiagnosed with the flu and ended up at Urgent Care the next day for the Strep diagnosis. I just kept thinking to myself that I wanted to feel better. But, what is feeling better? Feeling like my "new normal" or feeling like I did before I got CIUA? I would give almost anything to feel like I did before I got CIUA. It's been so long that I'm beginning to forget how "feeling good" felt. 

Stay tuned later this week for some more posts! 
