The Many Faces of Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria Angioedema

I decided since I'm going to be honest and real on this blog, I need to post some pictures. I have 550+ photos in an album entitled Medical Stuff on my phone. They tell the story of the past 11 months in pictures. Most are selfies. Either taken to later show a doctor or taken to send to my mom so she knows what's going on with me. 

This first bunch is from early on in my diagnosis. They're from August to October. 

The first one is a day after the initial reaction. The others show varying levels of swelling and different levels of hives. 

This next set is more recent. From May and June. 

It's saddening to look back at these pictures. The person in them is worn. It reminds me of the Tenth Avenue North song, Worn - "I'm tired. I'm worn. My heart is heavy from the work it takes to keep on breathing". 

These aren't my worst pictures. I have ones where I am more swollen and more "hivey" as I like to call it. I just didn't want to scare anyone! ;)

Got my second xolair injection today. Still praying that it starts to work. Also got some discouraging news at the doctor. I will go into more detail on that in another post. 


  1. Stay strong!! You can get through this. Praying for better days.

  2. Don't be hard on yourself. I look at old pictures of me see the changes this disease has made in my looks. I look at your pictures you are a beautiful young lady. Remember to always smile In spite of the disease and you will feel better. This is what my daughter's tell me and I do feel better once I smile.

    1. Thank you! Your kind comment made me smile. :)

  3. I am going through something similar- was hoping you had updates.


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