Back from Hiatus

It's been a while since I've written a post. So be warned that this one is random and all over the place. 

I would like to thank the gooey kindergarteners for sharing the stomach bug germs with me and my teaching BFF. Imagine the fun they had when we were both out and all of kindergarten had substitutes. And it was one of those special kind of stomach bugs that keeps on giving. 7 days. Including my birthday. I did discover that if I don't eat anything, stay in my bed, and play on my iPad all day that I don't swell and get hives. So that's my new life plan...staying in bed and not eating. Just kidding. 

School has been insanely busy lately. Meetings, meetings, and more meetings. Long days wipe me out. I enjoy a good 3-4 hour nap once a week during weeks like this. 

And then there's the snow. Snow in Georgia. The world here stops for one inch, much less the 5+ inches we got this week. School was cancelled. Grocery stores were cleared of milk and bread. The snow was very pretty though!

Medically, I am the same. Still swelling from food and stress. Still taking all the same medications. Yesterday was Rare Disease Day. Nineteen months ago, I wouldn't have known such a day existed. Now I am reminded of it everyday. I received a sweet text from a friend last night that made me smile. 

People care. And reminders of that are much needed these days. I am tired. Worn. Wishing that all this never happened. I know God has a plan for this struggle. He has a reason. I may never know why, but I must have faith. 

As always, I appreciate your prayers and support. 

And what would a random blog post be without an obligatory picture of the world's smartest cat! 

