A Day with Unicorns

I decided to share what a "typical" day with Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria Angieodema (unicorns) is like.

I get an early wake up call from my favorite feline alarm clock.

On a good day, I can get out of bed myself. If not, I shoot a help text to my mom (she's like my Life Alert button) and wait until she can pull me out of the bed. 

Next, I check to see how swollen I am. That determines if I have coffee and breakfast or just some hot chocolate. Too much abdominal swelling doesn't leave room for food. Yesterday, it was just a cup of hot chocolate. 

Now it's time for morning meds. 

Getting dressed is always fun - yeah right! :( I went through 3 shirts until I found one that wasn't suffocatingly tight. 

Today I tried 3 pairs of pants until I found one that fit (for today that is).

Then I have to remember to pack my epipens and afternoon meds. 

One perk of living one stop sign from work is that in case I forget my meds, it only takes a few minutes to run home and grab them.

Here is my classroom (minus kids - teacher workday)!

You can use your imagination to fill the room with precious kindergarteners. 

After lunch it's time for more meds. 

Then after work it's off to the doctor for a follow up and my monthly Xolair shots. I've spent a lot of time in this waiting room over the past 18 months. 

And then it's on to Kroger to pick up one of my prescriptions. They know me well here. 

And while I'm already at Kroger I stock up on my Benadryl. I keep one at home, one in my purse, and one at school. 

I could only laugh when I passed the Valentine's aisle and there was a pink unicorn. Oh the irony! 

Then it's finally home for dinner and to chill until bedtime. Then it's nighttime meds. 

Then I turn on my white noise machine and humidifier. Make sure pillows are under my knees. It's time to sleep!! And get up and do it all again tomorrow! :)


  1. Hey Katie! I have nominated your blog for the Liebster Award. You can follow the link below and decide for yourself if you would like to participate. There would be a little work on your part, but it is a great way to get little known blogs out there on the great big space we call the interwebs. No pressure to join in of course.



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