Another One Bites the Dust...

Last night, I thought that my air mattress (on top of my bed) felt a little deflated. Woke up in the middle of the night and realized it was totally deflated. Ugh. That's the 3rd air mattress I've bought. Granted, I don't buy the most expensive one, but it isn't cheap. Thankfully I still had the bolster under my legs, so I didn't have the paralyzing pain when I woke up!

I had talked myself into trying to go back to church this morning. But after a rough night, I felt pretty horrible. I went back to sleep around 9:30 AM and slept until 1:30 PM!!! This little guy enjoyed the nice long nap too!!

I did not buy a new air mattress at Walmart today. I'm hoping I'll sleep fine with just the bolster. *Fingers crossed*

I want to thank all of you for your prayers and support after my last post. I appreciate the prayers, support, and love more than you know!!! I had a productive session with my counselor on Friday and have some tools to deal with the depression and stress. I've gotten so many comments, emails, and texts telling me that you are praying for me. That lifts my spirit and puts a smile on my face! It's nice to know that I'm not alone in this journey. Please continue to pray for remission and for my mood/spirit. 

I'm excited to see my kindergartners tomorrow morning! I've enjoyed my time off, but have missed them. I'm sure it'll take all morning for them to tell me all they did while we were off. I saw a lot of them crossing the street to go to the fair. I can't wait to hear about what they did at the fair!! 


  1. Oh..Mr. G and I have slept on a few air mattresses that have deflated!! No fun!! Lol! Hope you have a great week back with your babies!!! Stay strong!!!


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