Germs, Bikes, and Football

I haven't posted in a while because there wasn't anything different going on. Same symptoms, same medicines, same exhaustion, etc. It was more depressing to keep writing the same things over and over. But since I'm writing, something must've changed...

I'm off the cyclosporine (immunosuppressant). I did 4 weeks at a "low" dose and then did 2 weeks on a "medium" dose (High dose would be what they give transplant patients). I saw no changes in my major symptom - the atypical swelling. I was also very sick. I caught every germ that my sweet kindergarteners shared with me. A week of antibiotics also help clear up some of the nasty germs. 

My immune system should be back to normal by the end of the week! Yay! Our next plan of attack is to slowly lower the doses of my other meds and hope that the Xolair (injection I get once a month) will kick in and take over. 

I've been off the cyclosporine for 5 days now and I'm feeling pretty good (new normal good). I haven't napped in 3 days, I babysat last night for the first time in 6 weeks, and I "rode" my bike after 14+ months off. 

By saying I "rode" my bike, I mean going up and down my street 6-7 times. My neighbors were probably thinking that I needed training wheels. It took a few laps to remember the correct gear to be in and I was a bit wobbly. 

My new school friends are adjusting to Kindergarten well, for the most part. They are a sweet, caring bunch and I know we are going to have a great year! They are funny, too! The things they say keep me laughing. And the things they draw. This is Rapunzel:

Kids are the awesome! I love my job - even on the days when I feel like I'm drowning. 

My weekends are now ruled by college football. Go Dawgs!!! Houdini is a big fan. A big fan of sleeping on the couch while I yell at the tv! 

I'm praying these good days continue and that I'm able to come off some off my meds. It's amazing how you don't realize how bad you feel until you start to feel a bit better. 

I am thankful for these days of feeling better! I pray they keep coming and I'm able to get back to the "old Katie"! 


  1. We will keep praying for the "feeling better" days!!! Stay strong, and Go Dawgs!!


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