Symptoms, Struggles, and Sleep

Apparently I only have the energy to write one blog post a week right now. My afternoons include a nap that lasts anywhere from 2-5 hours. Then going back to bed after taking more meds. 

It took a few days to get over the stomach issues of last week, only to get them again this weekend. And I've also caught a cold. There's not much worse than being sick on top of being sick. 

My immunologist doubled my cyclosporine dosage from 200mg a day to 400mg a day. The new dose started on Thursday night. Haven't seen any changes in my swelling. My belly can swell up to 4 inches in one day. I've been recording measurements in case I need them for some doctor appointment in the future. My "atypical" angioedema continues to baffle my doctors. I'm ready for answers and relief. 

I honestly could wake up tomorrow without all my symptoms and not know what that would feel like. I do not like my "new normal". I'll let these quotes from Pinterest explain what I've been feeling this week!

Thanks for your prayers and support! 
