One Year: An Unwanted Anniversary

365 days. 365 very long days. One year ago today, my life changed. It started with grass cutting and a lump in my throat that would not go away. I googled "lump in throat" and discovered that it was a symptom of anaphylaxis. 

I'm having a hard time finding words to relive the past year. It is one of the hardest times in my life. I wouldn't wish what I've dealt with on my worst enemy. 

I've been to more doctor's appointments than I can count, taken enough Benadryl to probably fill a swimming pool, and learned to swallow 10+ pills at the same time. 

never leave home without my epipens and my next dose of medications. I have a bottle of Benadryl in my bag, my school tote, my car, and my lunchbox. In my case, one can never have too much Benadryl! 

It's been an emotional roller coaster. A lot more downs than ups. I've been an emotional wreck. A highly medicated emotional wreck. ;) 

I literally would not have survived the last year without my mom. Her constant support has never changed. Late nights praying that the Benadryl would stave off a complete throat closing, going to all my doctor's appointments, constantly checking on me, and comforting me while I have been in so much pain are just a few examples of times when my mom has been there for me. A million thank you's are not enough to express my appreciation for her support over the last year.

I've learned more than I ever wanted to know about medicines. I'm a walking antihistamine. The antihistamines that I take each day are equivalent to 18 to 24 Benadryl pills. I didn't know that a person could live on such large amounts of antihistamines.  

I've learned who my friends are and how awesome the people in my life are! It reminds me of the country music song, "Find Out Who Your Friends Are." I work with an amazing group of people and have so many friends who have prayed for me. I am humbled by the outpouring of love and prayers that I have received. My mom recently told me that one of her coworkers said that I was on her church's prayer list. People that I don't even know are praying for my healing. That leaves me speechless. 

My journey with Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria Angioedema doesn't seem to be ending any time soon. I left my appointment with my immunologist yesterday feeling defeated. My "last resort" medication, cyclosporine, doesn't seem to be working. I'm waiting to see if it works within the next two weeks before they up my dosage. 

I thank each of you for your thoughts, prayers, and encouraging words. Please continue to pray that the medications will work and that I will get some relief from this awful condition. 

I never thought that I would still be dealing with this a year later. 


  1. You are so strong to go through what you have the last year. Your mama would do anything to take your pain away. You get your strength from her!! She is a wonderful lady! Remember.. Faith not fear.


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