My Mom Says Some Days are Like That

Even in Australia! Feeling a bit like Alexander today. 

I woke up super swollen. That's never a good sign. And I had a 9:00am doctor appointment. It was so early!! (Says the person who spends 10 months out of the year waking up at 5:30am!)

I don't mind going to the doctor. Which is a good thing when you have a chronic illness. I don't like to consider myself "sick" all the time. Even though having chronic idiopathic urticaria angioedema classifies me as sick. I notice not feeling 100% even more when I'm sick on top of being sick. I've had a bit of a nasty sore throat and some sinus crud the past few days. I went to the doctor for the elevated liver enzymes, but got my throat and ears checked. Nothing major. Just viral crud. 

Went for more lab work after my appointment. I was already on edge being sick on top of sick and I didn't have enough coffee in me yet. I waited almost an hour to get called for my turn. There was an issue with the orders for the labs and I kept seeing people get called and leave. Over and over and over again. I caught up on all my candy crush lives, checked Facebook, and played some Words with Friends. Finally they got my orders and I got called back. Now at this point, I was pretty much out of niceness. Thankfully the guy taking my blood was super efficient and super nice. Six (yes, six) vials of blood later I was headed home. 

Ran some errands and got totally disgusted with my über swollen self trying to find something to wear to a funeral this weekend. I got to the point where I didn't want to talk to anyone and Lord help the person who tried to speak to me. I needed a nap. It's been a busy week and naps have been few and far between. Took a nice 2 1/2 hour nap. Whew. I could talk again. Naps are my favorite!

I ran some more errands and went to check on my furry nephews. I've been spending a lot of QT with Alex and Charlie this week. I've learned a lot about walking dogs. I've never had a dog. Just cats. I have walked a cat before - not an easy task! Dogs are a bit different. They are fast! And walking two of them means going in two different directions. 

And it means stopping at all mailboxes and fire hydrants. 

They have a lot more energy than Houdini! He just chills out most of the time. 

On my way home I opened up the sunroof and enjoyed the beautiful weather. And I turned my music up loud! It was a nice way to relax after a crazy day and crazier week! 

Thanks to the elevated liver enzymes, I'll be headed to see my immunologist in the morning. I'm interested to see what he says about the lab work and the notes from the Vamderbilt doctor. Who knows, I may get to have more blood drawn! Yay...ugh...


  1. There is not anything more frustrating than sit in a doctors office and wait ..and wait..and wait!!! Those yorkies were probably wondering where their aunt Katie was??!! Lol!!! Enjoy the naps!! Stay strong- faith not fear!!

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