Jeans and Juicing

I wore jeans to church today!! Thanks to my friend A for noticing! This was the first time I've worn button pants in almost 6 months! They were a size that I will not mention because it's no where near the size I wore this time last year. But, they were only $5.00! Can't beat that! 

I saw this on Proverbs 31 Ministries Facebook page the other day and I really needed to see it! Others might need to see it too! 

Thanks to some Facebook friends for suggesting that I watch the documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It was made by an Australian man who suffered for years from Chronic Urticaria. That is part of what I'm dealing with right now. He did a juice fast (all fruits and veggies) for 60 days and then went to a clean eating diet. He came off his prednisone (steroid) and lost a ton of weight on the fast. It's a neat documentary and it can be found on his website, 

I'm currently off prednisone, but still on 12 other daily prescriptions. I am not allowed to start the juice fast without doctor approval since I have a major medical condition. I will run it by my immunolgist this week when I go for my 3rd Xolair shot. I will also discuss it with the doctor I see at Vanderbilt next week. 

I figured one juice instead of a meal a day wouldn't be too bad, so off to Walmart I went. After creating a new Pinterest board and researching different recipes for juicing that is. I bought a juicer, carrots, apples, celery, grapes, and oranges. They were some weird veggies that I didn't know about and I'll save those for another day! 

I got the juicer out and was getting ready to juice my dinner when I noticed that the juicer was dirty and looked used. Ugh! Back to Walmart I went. I exchanged it and made sure this one was new before I left. Came home and picked the "immune system booster" juice and set to work washing and cutting the ingredients. 

It was actually fun to put the stuff in the juicer. It was pretty quiet too! Houdini didn't even get scared! I didn't mind the ingredients, except celery. (Blah!) But I put it in anyway! I poured the juice into a glass and poured some for my mom to try as well. 

That is the glass of juice and the "pulp" leftover from the juicing process. The juice didn't taste too bad. It was actually a lot better than I expected! My mom thought it wasn't too bad either! It had a little pulp in it and I don't like texture in my foods or drinks. But I powered through. :) It was very "carroty" and I'll definitely try to make a sweeter one tomorrow. I'm feeling a little bit "hivey" from the juice. But not super red. Just a little pink. ;)

One of my Facebook friends, J, also suffers from an autoimmune disorder. She is starting her full juice fast tomorrow. It will be very interesting to keep up with her progress and share recipes! I'm so glad she contacted me! 

I don't really have a good way to sum up this post, so I'll end it with a cute picture of Houdini! He settled in to this open drawer and made himself right at home! 
