Camping, 4am, and Habla Español!

I'm not one for camping. I like my bed, my DVR, and my own bathroom. I've never been camping outside before. I think my brother and I camped out in a tent in our living room as kids. Out of comfort and safety I bought a twin size air mattress for tornado season. Our street has a history of tornadoes. Thankfully we have a basement, but spend a lot of time in the hall for safety. I used the air mattress in the hall for scary stormy nights. I discovered that air mattresses aren't super cozy, which made camping even less appealing. :)

I didn't know how helpful the air mattress would become! I've mentioned the "inner tube" of swelling around my middle section before. It makes my back hurt terribly when I sleep. My back is not flat when I lie down and creates a lot of pain. I bought a memory foam mattress pad and that didn't help at all. Then I tried the air mattress on top of my regular mattress. And it worked! My back didn't hurt while I slept. Houdini isn't a big fan of the air mattress because he's very unsure of stability. But he loves to "help" make the bed every time and the air mattress is no different. 

He claimed the bed as his and I had to trick him to get him out of the way. 

Yesterday for my nap, I slept on my actual bed. My back didn't feel too bad, so I thought since I'm on a super swell that maybe I could get rid of the air mattress. Thankfully I just put it in the living room and didn't deflate it, because at 4 am I needed it back. I woke up and the pain was debilitating. I could barely move. It was terrible. It took me a while to be able to grab the headboard and flip over to get out of bed. Once I got out of the bed the pain began to diminish. I got the air mattress back and also got some ice for my back. I checked Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and used my lives on Candy Crush and Jewel Mania before falling back asleep. This is my Snapchat from this morning. 

So I guess the air mattress is here to stay for a while. Maybe I won't be seeing 4:31am tonight!

I've had a pretty rough week or so. I've tried to be "normal" a few times and it has resulted in a super swell and feeling hivey on the inside. The super swell consists of painful swelling on my hips and back. Thankfully, ice helps a lot.

I also went shopping. I am a "mission" shopper. I want to find what I need and then leave, not just look all around. I needed some new pants and some new tops since *insert wince here* it's getting closer to going back to work time. ;) Shopping was a disaster. I found some stuff but it wasn't a pretty experience. Props to my mom for putting up with my super depressed mood! After losing 150 pounds (70 in the last two years), it is demoralizing to have to buy clothes in sizes that I swore I'd never wear again. But I have to keep telling myself that it is temporary and I can get back where I was almost exactly a year ago. 

I am now two weeks away from my appointment at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. I've filled out most of the paperwork. I still need to fill out the medications page. They give you 10 boxes to list your daily meds, and I need 14 boxes. I'll have to practice my teeny tiny handwriting to add all my meds. ;) I am getting all my medical info ready to take with me. I have a CD that contains my CT scan, 3 past X-rays, and an upper GI scan. I really only needed the CT scan, but they put all of them on there for me. I have no idea what to expect at this appointment. We will just have to wait and see!

And in random news, Publix generic Benadryl liquid tastes horrible. Just ask my friend, L. I took some at our Moe's dinner last night and made a terrible face!  I buy generic Benadryl because I go through the bottles so often. The ones from Kroger and Walmart taste like regular Benadryl. The Publix one was just nasty! *shudder* It will become the extra, extra bottle for home. 

My brain is all over the place today. My classroom is ready for me to go work and get ready for the precious little kindergarteners that will be walking through the door fairly soon! And I just watched my first soccer game in the World Cup. I got kinda bored watching it. I changed the channel and watched it en español on the Spanish Channel. It was more fun trying to figure out what they were saying! And it's hard to believe that it's July! Summer is flying by!!
