The Spoon Theory written by and spoken by Christine Miserandino

I first heard the term "spoonies" on of my Facebook groups about Chronic Urticaria Angioedema. I did not know what they were talking about. I soon learned that the term comes from The Spoon Theory, a story about how a friend described having Lupus to one of her best friends. The author is pretty protective of her story and does not allow it to be published without permission. I did find this YouTube video of the author telling The Spoon Theory story. She used spoons to describe her illness, Lupus. Lupus is very similar to Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria Angioedema and her story explains a lot of what I am dealing with day to day. It is a long video but I hope you will watch it. And I hope that it gives you insight into the struggle of having a chronic illness.
