Waiting on the World to Change

John Mayer's song, Waiting on the World to Change, came on in the car today and the words were powerful. I am waiting on the world to change. My world and the broken world in which we live. 

I wait on the world to realize that child abuse is real and it needs to be stopped. I wait for a system to be fixed to better help children who are in harms way.

I wait for my world to change. I wait for the xolair shot to begin to subside my symptoms. I have not had any change in my symptoms from the Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria Angioedema since receiving my first xolair shot. My doc says I could see results within six weeks. It's only been one week, so I must keep trudging along. 

I am hopping back on the Weight Watchers wagon as of today. It is a bit hard to follow since most foods cause some sort of allergic reaction. Bring on the green beans and applesauce! ;) it worked for me once and it will work again. Let's hope that the swelling goes away and allows me to see some success with weight loss. 

My posts lately have been pretty deep. Not the usual excitement of the end of the school year. I'm taking some "me" time this summer. Hoping that less stress and lots of rest will help my body heal. That means lots of naps with this cutie pie.

Houdini is excited for summer! Can't you tell?!? 
