Unicorns are Unpredictable

Ugh. Just when you get used to something, things go and change on you. 

Historically (all 10 months...) the Unicorns have been worse at night. I had my bad throat swelling episodes at night, my hives were worse, and I just felt worse in general. This past week I have been all over the place. I woke up more swollen than usual. I've taken a ton of extra Benadryl this week. That makes probably 40+ bottles over the past ten months. 

Yesterday I had to wear my "grass cutting" bandana IN THE HOUSE!! The grass was getting to me so badly. I felt horrible. And my nose swelled and hurt. It's been a while since the Rudolph nose has been around. 

Sleeping has been getting progressively worse. The body swells don't allow my back to lie flat when I sleep. It becomes very uncomfortable. I can't sleep on my stomach because of my dislocated ribs (that's a story for another day). I love sleep. And I get very cranky when I don't get enough sleep. ;) 

This morning I woke up super swollen, hivey, and sick. Just felt nauseous and blah. Didn't eat breakfast and started to feel better. I am trying to be more of a "normal" person these days and so off to Home Depot we went. I started feeling weird again and literally sat down in the middle of the paint aisle. Ended up sitting in the car and finally started to feel better. I think it was partly due to taking all my meds and not eating and partly just feeling bad. 

This afternoon was spent dealing with the cable provider on the phone. It stressed me out. And the hives came out and the swelling started to get worse. Ugh. Ridiculous. More Benadryl. And it interrupted my nap time! 

In happier news, Houdini lost 2 pounds!! When he went to the vet about a month ago, he got the "talk" about what he eats and how much. For those of you who have heard stories of the infamous Houdini, he is not one that you want to anger. But I cut off his carb-filled treats cold turkey and he took it like a champ. And sure enough this morning at weigh-in he weighed 14.9 pounds!! Down from 16.9. He's looking a little slimmer in the face. 

This is his inquisitive face. He was taking a picture to send to his Aunt J. He's such a strange, silly boy. Can be the sweetest thing ever and the next minute he's biting you. He's trying to get used to summer. He likes to get up early (5:30-6:00) for his breakfast. Normally, this isn't a problem. But it's summer. Summer! We are working on sleeping in. Sadly, as a teacher, if I sleep until 7:00 that's considered sleeping in! :)

Tomorrow is the Kidney Walk in Atlanta. We are walking at Turner Field again this year. It's always a neat event and it's for a great cause! 
