Something Good Must Come from It

As the grief process continues for the precious little soul that was lost, I am angry. Angry that more couldn't be done. Angry that it happened. Angry at a broken system in a broken world. Angry at what the little soul will not get to experience. 

With the anger comes a sense of justice. I cannot get justice for her. That is not my job. However, something good must come from this loss. And it will. I will be a better teacher. My kids will walk out of my classroom filled with enough love to last them until the next time I see them. 

A sweet friend sent me this text after reading an article on the tragedy: 

Her words hit deep. True words. I want my kids to see Jesus in me. The way I love them, the way I teach them to love each other, and in the way that I try to make the most of the time they have with me. 

When I took the job at my school, I worried that I would "take home" my worries/concerns about the kids when they're not with me. I do worry about them. But I realize all I can do is pray for them. I have to give their lives to The Lord. I am not in control of what happens to them at home. But, I am making plans to get to know my kids families better. To make their school experience a good one for the entire family. 

I hope my coworkers will also take a look at what we all can do to help our kids. This loss will not be in vain. Good will come out of it. Somehow. It has to...
