
I had planned to post about the last few days of first grade tonight. We've been super busy finishing up our sight word check offs, reading a ton, and cleaning out our desks! But the Unicorns had a different plan for tonight. 

I often feel like I'm on a roller coaster. I don't like roller coasters in general. I'm not an adventurous person by any means, so roller coasters and I do not agree. Except for Space Mountain at Disney World. I love that roller coaster! Probably because I can't see what's coming so I'm less afraid. This medical roller coaster is no fun at all. My mornings are different from my afternoons. My afternoons are different than my nights. There is no rhyme or reason why my hives or swelling flare up. I've removed certain foods and haven't gotten much relief. I've googled until google has no more answers. 

I was thrown a curveball at school today. An unexpected decision that I am now facing. Ding ding ding - stress alert!! Stress is one of my biggest triggers. As the day progressed, I noticed that I was having more body swelling than normal. It was definitely a swelly day, not a hivey one. 

After I woke up from my after school coma aka my nap, the hives had joined the fun for the day. I've been "on fire" all night. That means the hives are super red on my face and neck. Like I have been sunburned. And I'm having a hard time regulating my body temperature. Since developing this condition I have a hard time going from hot to cold or cold to hot. It's just another bizarre symptom or maybe side effects from my many meds. I'm either freezing or burning up. Fan on, fan off, blanket on, blanket get the picture. Not a fun night. 

Maybe tomorrow night will be better. We have field day tomorrow and it's the last day of school! Yay! Summer is almost here!


  1. aww. so sorry to hear you are not having a great day, in regards to your symptoms. Glad you posted your blog link on one of the angio edema fb groups! I will be a regular blog reader of yours!! hang in there :)

    1. Thanks! I am glad to find out that others blog about their situations as well. I'll be checking out your blog too! :)


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