A Different Kind of Waiting

My brother (John) and his wife (Sarah) are really cool people. And they have really cool cats (Spike, Moe, and Waffles). And they have a cute nephew, Henry. They live in Smyrna and both work in Atlanta. The one thing they do not have is kids. My sister-in-law has had 2 kidney transplants and is unable to have kids of her own. She and John have known that adoption would be the route they would take to start their family. They chose an adoption agency that specializes in Open Adoptions. Open Adoptions are where the family and the birth mother agree on the level of contact they will have throughout the child's life. They have been "live" with their agency for 8 months now. The average wait is 15 months. They are beyond thrilled at the idea of becoming parents! I am excited to become an aunt!! That way I can buy all these cute onesies for my niece/nephew to wear.

I have posted their link on my facebook page but I am hoping this gets them more traffic on their adoption page. You never know who will read it that may know a mother that is looking for a family to adopt her baby. Here is the link to their adoption blog: http://sarahandjohnadopt.blogspot.com/
Please check it out and share it with people you know! Thanks!!
